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What chemicals do you use in your house?

Did you know what scientists do to fatten mice rapidly? They inject them with Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). In a study of mice given doses of MSG shortly after birth, it was discovered that the entire group of mice became obese. Fat tissue mass was 65% more than the control group that did not get any MSG.

Mice injected with MSG develop hyperinsulinemia, a condition where the pancreas excretes huge amounts of insulin. The same thing happens when humans ingest MSG. The insulin “gobbles up” any sugar (glucose) that is floating around in the body and stores it. Guess where? It stores it in your adipose tissue, we know as fat, around your thighs, waist, hips….. Then what happens is, your blood is now very low in glucose, which it needs for energy, so you become really tired, too tired to exercise and your body is telling you to feed it. You feel hungry again and instead of exercising you are eating again. You are trying to be good and have a pre-packaged low-calorie meal from the supermarket. And guess what, it is most likely full of MSG. Check out the ingredient lists of some major weight loss companies and you will find most of them contain MSG. See below what to look for. There are lots of hidden names for MSG. Let’s be honest, low fat, low calorie processed food is not much more appetising than the cardboard box it comes in. What’s the solution? MSG, well let’s call it ‘natural flavours’. Most people have heard by now that MSG isn’t good for them.

This is how it works. The amino acid, Glutamate, tells the pancreas when and how much insulin to create. Insulin determines just how much fat you will store in your body. An over efficient pancreas can cause a great deal of fat deposits to develop on the body. When abnormally high levels of Glutamate are introduced to the insulin-making beta cells of the pancreas, these mini-factories switch to overdrive. They create massive amounts of insulin that pour into the bloodstream. The levels of insulin the cells produce are directly related to how much Glutamate is stimulating them. This finding would help explain the connection to weight gain. Even if all you had was a salad and low-calorie, low-fat dressing that included MST, the insulin still rushes out. No wonder insulin is called the “fat hormone”.

Consider for a moment what happens when an organ becomes over-worked. The liver, kidneys, and heart are all susceptible to failure when they are constantly stressed. A heart-racing continually at 200 beats a minute for more than a few days could certainly bring on heart failure. Imagine a pancreas, pumping out 50 – 100% more than the usual amount of insulin. For a while, years perhaps, the pancreas continues to function, but at some point, the stress can be too much. The pancreas fails and the result is the harsh reality, diabetes.

The following always contains MSG:

Monosodium Glutamate, Yeast Extract, Monopotassium Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Hydrolysed protein (any), Sodium Caseinate, Calcium Caseinate, Hydrolysed Corn Gluten, Yeast Food, Textured Protein, Gelatin, Autolyzed Yeast, Yeast Nutrient

The following may contain glutamate, or create it during processing: Carrageenan, Natural Pork Flavouring, Citric Acid, Maltodextrin, Bouillon and Broth, Natural Chicken Flavour, Natural Beef flavour, Whey Protein Concentrate, Stock, Whey Protein, Ultra Pasteurised, Soy Sauce, Barley Malt, anything Enzyme, Pectin, anything Enzyme Modified, Protease, Malt flavouring, Protease Enzymes, Soy Protein, Soy Protein Isolate, Soy protein concentrate, Whey protein isolate, Malt Extract, anything fermented, anything protein-fortified, and even hidden in natural flavours & seasoning.


The Slow Poisoning of America by John E Erb & T. Michelle Erb


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